Thursday, August 28, 2008
How Do you do this?
Where can I find the cute blog layouts? I have looked everywhere and cant find anything I like. And when I do, I have to have some of my pics deleted. Can Jenn and Jill tell me where you find your cute layouts? Please!!!
Photography, I have found my calling...
Speaks for itself!!! 
My Three Miamaids.

This looks like a Senior Portrait
This is Sara and her mom.
Here is the Salt Lake in Utah, I took this last year. I think it looks awsome!
This is ontop of the Confrence Center, in Utah
I took this pic out side a Super Target in Provo.
This looks like a Senior Portrait
This is Sara and her mom.
So a couple weeks ago at Mutual I took pictures of my young women so we can make them in black and white, last night I finally gave them to the girls and they loved them and so did everyone else. They thought they were taken by a professional, nope... just me. Then one of the parents asked me to take her daughters Senior Pictures and then I thought, that would be so fun. I love taking pictures and if they pay me... that would be the perfect job... hmmm... So here are some of the pics that I had taken and I love. Hope you enjoy.

Friday, August 15, 2008
What More Could Happen...
Okay so I know I already wrote a post this morning but bad things have been happening to people around me lately. A man from our ward had come into the hospital with an unknown brain tumor, so scary, he is so friendly and nice and him and his wife are so sweet together. So today he is going in for surgery and all I can do is pray for the Lord to bless his surgeons and to take care of him and his family. Then my friend Angela who works down the hall from me at the hospital, her Ex-Husbands daughter drowned in a bath tub today, she is almost 1 yrs old and barely made it, the dad took her out of the tub and immediately performed CPR on her. They took her to DMC and now she is breathing and crying but they are not sure what the damage is to her brain yet. God has a lot of prayers to answer.
Last night before I went to bed, I noticed that one eye was smaller then the other, it was weird. Then this morning it was even smaller. I have no idea what happened. If its a bug bite or something with my contacts. I hope it goes away soon "Whatever it is???" Cause I look pretty silly!!!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I am so tired!!!
Hello all! So I havn't written in a long time. Well lately I have been frustrated, tired, groggy, and not in the mood to do much. I was hoping to start putting my scrapbooking work up on this cause I have been in the zone, but I had lost my camera and recently found it in our diaper bag (???). So I will get that stuff up soon. Also my daughter has been sleeping with me lately (a big no no) and so when I try to get her in her own bed she wants me to lay with her, so I have been up late just trying to get out of her twin bed and into my comfy queen bed. (Which then she crawls into bed with me) So I then have to feel her tapping my shoulder and asking me for more juice. Last night I got that 3 times. I was about to scream! So I am now at work, very tired, and trying to stay awake. Sorry!
Also I have been trying to upload pictures on my computer at home and download them on my under photos so they can print them out and I can pick them up, but they had just recently changed there web site and now it works for my slow computer at home but not on my fast computer at work. Again frustrating!!! I had taken some pics of my young women and we are supposed to print them in black and white, then color them next week, so I was trying to just get rid of the pics that didn't turn out good at work cause my house computer is very slow, then I try to upload them on Costco and it didnt work. Auuhhhhhh! Yeah my days have been better!!! So now I have pics I want to print on my work computer, but I cant download them cause I am not at my house computer. I am not a computer wiz or else this would be simple to me. But its not!!! Well anywho... enough of my problems, I just need to get through another day at work. Later!
Also I have been trying to upload pictures on my computer at home and download them on my under photos so they can print them out and I can pick them up, but they had just recently changed there web site and now it works for my slow computer at home but not on my fast computer at work. Again frustrating!!! I had taken some pics of my young women and we are supposed to print them in black and white, then color them next week, so I was trying to just get rid of the pics that didn't turn out good at work cause my house computer is very slow, then I try to upload them on Costco and it didnt work. Auuhhhhhh! Yeah my days have been better!!! So now I have pics I want to print on my work computer, but I cant download them cause I am not at my house computer. I am not a computer wiz or else this would be simple to me. But its not!!! Well anywho... enough of my problems, I just need to get through another day at work. Later!
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