I have been looking on the internet for good ideas for my sons birthday (Its going to be Pirate Themed) and have discovered this website that I love. http://familyfun.go.com/
They have the cutest ideas and videos that really help. I definately reccomend looking at this for anything. So cute. Also if anyone is ever doing a Pirate them, or even a Princess theme, go to the Dollar Tree if you have one. They have everything from Goodie bags to masks, to decorations. I cant wait til Peyton's party. Chuck wants to get a Jumphouse but the only thing we could find was Noah's Ark with a huge Elephant hanging out so we may use it and tape a pirate patch over the eye of the elephany and stuff. ( I know that doesn't sound right to do that to the ark, but they didnt have anything else. ) Anyways have a good week.