Bailey whispering a silly joke in this guys ear
Yani watch out!!!
I love the buildings in San Fran.

Hide and Seek... I found you!!!

She went over every single one of these on the way to the park.

The veiw

Poty lil girl

My famous husband in a visa commercial

the end of the commercial

Bailey with Lou Seal

Bailey, Me and Kellan with Lou Seal

Future Mr. and Mrs.

Famous Bailey being filmed while playing baseball... she wound up on the scoreboard.

Ehhh batter batter batter, swing a batter

Kellan's Turn

Ian helping Kellan

Bailey on the ride home on BART

Me and Bailey

Me and Bailey being total nerds

The White's

Me, Yaneth, Bailey, and Kellan

Ian, McKalee, and Chuck


Future Boyfriend and Girlfriend...

Chuck and Bailey

Bailey with her new bear
So we went to another Giants game on Saturday the 30th, but went with our friends the White's, and brought Bailey cause any kids 12 years and under got a free Teddy Bear. (Peyton got to go with my inlaws to the Apricot Festival)It was a lot of fun and Chuck, Bailey and I were all on the score board at one time or another. Chuck and Ian were asked to do a Visa Commercial and Ian said that Chuck should do it, so since Chuck did it, he got $60 in gift cards. And I took Bailey to the little Baseball Field for kids and we were on the scoreboard swinging the bat together. How cool is that!!! Well the Giants lost this game but it was still fun. And I was glad that Bailey got to come, and next game we go to Peyton will be coming with us. I cant wait!!!