So for my birthday my husband and my family got me good... My husband planned a suprise party at my parents house. I knew something was up but had no idea and Chuck wouldnt tell me anything!!! So Friday all he would tell me was something was going to happen so I was expecting him to send something to my work. The week before this, he would come home and not tell me where he was, or delete whom he tected or talked to on his phone. (I get really nosie) I also noticed once he called my sister and my cousin and I texted both of them the next day and they wouldnt spill any beans. Then on Thursday night I had seen my parents at a church softball game and they told me they just came from Costco and they had a lot of food in there car... which to you thats not weird at all, but to me... my parents are on a very stricked diet and they dont eat regular food... so there was my first clue... the second one was on Friday we were supposed to go out to dinner with my family and my mom gets off work at 5 o'clock and usually we would go out to dinner right away, but when I called my mom, she told me to get there at 7pm. 7pm seemed pretty late to go out to a resturaunt on a Friday night. Hmmm... the wheels in my head were turning.... And I was right... we showed up to my parents house with them acting ready to leave for dinner when my dad tells me to check out a project he was working on in his Garage... when I opened the door.... SUPRISE... all of my friends and family were out in the garage (which is no ordinary garage, but a movie room now). It was great. My sister in law Beth and Chuck cooked me authentic mexican food which was awesome, and The gifts were great. Chuck gave to the best gift. 4 boxes. The first one, was a plastic Cricket meaning $100 towards my Cricket machine; and Outlet Socket (random) meaning $150 towards an Outlet stores of my choice; a flash light meaning a camping trip; and a little box with sea shells on it with a letter inside meaning an overnight trip with or with out the kids. It was the best birthday gift ever!!!
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