Monday, November 16, 2009

Whats been going on lately...

Well I feel like I haven't written in forever. I have been so busy with work and coming home and playing with the kids. But our family does have some great news... I'm pregnant. Yeah!!! So there is a funny story behind this news. So I realized that I was two weeks late for my monthly friend. The girl that sits in the cubicle across from me had told me she was "irregular" before (I know TMI)so I thought I was on her
schedule. So we talked one day and I mentioned it and we agree'd that that was it. We were on the same "schedule". The next day as we were working she mouths to me that she is going to have a baby. I was very excited for her yet I thought to "what does that mean for me?" The next day she kept asking me for is I was or not and I didnt want to jinx myself is I wasn't. So Friday came and I was final... I came home from work and took my first test and called to my husband and the first thing he says was "What did you do?" and I said "no its more like what did you do". Well thats when I showed him the positive test results. We are so excited and the kids are too. Peyton thinks my belly button is a peep hole to see the baby. Nope not really. He also likes to pet my belly and says "Hush Baby, dont cry". Its so sweet. Bailey is going to be such a great big sister. She is already planning on helping with the feeding part. Well thats whats going on with us. Great news huh?