The Gorgeus Veiw

Perfect Weather

Perfect Day for Sailing

High up on the third deck, "its going to be a long drop from here!"

Alli, Amber and Mike

AmyAnn, Alli, and Amber

Yeah the whole gang is here! Amber and Mike, Chuck, and AmyAnn and Brooks

AmyAnn caught a shirt. Yeah!!!

Mike is modeling the shirt for me.

Mike and Chuck listening intently to KNBR Radio with a Wind Up Radio.

Mike being Mike!

The Giants finally win one!!!

Chuck and Alli

The Boys. Brooks, Mike, and Chuck

The Girls

The Whole Gang
Here are pictures from our second Giants Game this season. It was so much fun. We went and met our friends Brooks and AmyAnn and to our suprise, Amber and Mike Garriety came as well. They were sitting in a different section but no one around us showed up so they came and sat with us. It was a blast. We all had the best of time. Mike cracked me up with his wind up radio listening to KNBR Giants Radio. I need to get Chuck one of those. Thanks for being our friends guys! We love you all!!!
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