So I recieved these wooden blocks from our friends Ben and Natalie. I couldn't decide on what to paint. I had 6 blocks and painters block. So my husband gave me the best idea. Paint and decorate each side of the blocks to the different seasons. Best idea ever!!! I love my husband. So I painted, sanded, and thanks to my cricket, cut out letters and shapes and mod podge them on. And they turned out so great that I am thinking of making them to sell. So let me know what you think and if you would like to purchase them I would be happy to make them for you. I am thinking of starting them out at $17.00 and I can ship them within two days. Let me know. Thanks.
You are super crafty!!! Those look awesome, great idea Chuck and Great skill Alli.
YOu have been super busy girl! Those turned out so cute! We still need to do a craft night together soon.
Super cute!
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