While we were at the Giants Game on Wednesday, my inlaws were so kind to let our kids spend the night. The next morning my sis-in-law Stephanie offered to put make up on my daughter Bailey but she wanted nothing to do with it. But my son... did. So when he came home I was freaking out cause his eyes were just creepy. PLEASE DONT DO THIS WITH YOUR SONS!!! It already freaks me out that he knows all the princesses, he doesn't have to look like one too.
First of all I didnt offer to put makeup on anyone...Peyton asked if I would do it to him...which I thought was weird but I think everything about him is weird...Bailey told me she didnt want it..second of all...his eyes are creepy no matter what...third of all...at least he enjoyed it! :)
Oh your post is so funny... !! we miss you guys
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