Friday, August 15, 2008

What More Could Happen...

Okay so I know I already wrote a post this morning but bad things have been happening to people around me lately. A man from our ward had come into the hospital with an unknown brain tumor, so scary, he is so friendly and nice and him and his wife are so sweet together. So today he is going in for surgery and all I can do is pray for the Lord to bless his surgeons and to take care of him and his family. Then my friend Angela who works down the hall from me at the hospital, her Ex-Husbands daughter drowned in a bath tub today, she is almost 1 yrs old and barely made it, the dad took her out of the tub and immediately performed CPR on her. They took her to DMC and now she is breathing and crying but they are not sure what the damage is to her brain yet. God has a lot of prayers to answer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WOW! We never know why things happen and can only pray for the best and be able to understand God's will, whatever the outcome is. How is your eye doing?