Sunday, January 18, 2009

Now on the 3rd Book.

So in two weeks I have read two books in two weeks. Today I have started the third book. And I am so excited. I didnt really like the second book either. I was totally excited when Edward came back in the story line. I kept reading it till I was done with it. I about pee'd my pants with excitement when Edward asked her to be his wife. I was so excited. Auhhh I love Edward. Anyways... I am so excited to read the thrid book. Hopefully I can read this one in a week as well. I love this series!!! Tell me how you guys Love the third book. I am excited!!!


Michaela said...

So you made it through the 2nd book huh? Wasn't it just torture reading hundreds of pages without Edward!! And can you believe she said NO to marrying him?! lol, what a crazy girl huh?! Well, the 3rd is SO good! You'll LOVE it!!! Man, I wish I didn't have so much reading for school to do, I want to re-read them again and again!!! :) Enjoy the 3rd!!

Unknown said...

Well I am back in the blogging world! So How did you like the 3rd book? Have you gotten the 4th? The 3rd is my most favorite and I might just have to reread these books all over again.

I hope you are doing well. How is the job hunting going?