Thursday, July 17, 2008

I'm turning 25!

Well tomorrow is my Birthday, and at this moment I am sick with the stomach flu. Not Fun!!! Plus I am working right now just trying to get through my day. Its horrible. We are supposed to go out to a nice Mexican resturaunt for tomorrow and I am feeling like Crap!!! Well please pray for me to feel better, I dont want to feel like this on my Birthday. I want to feel like a young, energetic 25 year old (thats pushing it a little). Its so wierd. I was always used to being the baby, the youngest, now I am half a century old. Sheesh. Time sure does fly. I am going to miss being the baby. Well Happy Birthday to me!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You will love being able to say your 25!! I love it and I still feel like a goofy 20 year old, just a little more mature and people take me more seriously I think. :) haha Happy "early" Birthday and I do hope you feel better at least enough to enjoy your special day.