Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Five Boys (Men)

Chuck,Brooks, and Adam

Chuck, Brooks, Adam, Carter, and Doug

Here are Chuck's best friends. They have always been there for one another and this was the first time that they had all been together in five years. There's Doug, Carter, Brooks, and Adam. Adam lives in Virginia and Carter lives in Utah. Doug is here in Modesto and Brooks just moved to Sacramento. These guys are the silliest bunch of lil kids when there around eachother. They do the wierest things. For some odd reason, there favorate things to do is hit eachother in the privates. Dont ask me why, I'm still trying to figure it out. But when all said and done at the end of there night, they do a toast with Apple Cider and go in the Garage and talk about who knows what? But when that happens, "No Girls Aloud". Whatever!!! I see how it is. But by the end of the day no matter what Chuck was so happy to see his friends. It was great to see all of them. We love you guys!

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